Sunday, February 5, 2017

Hi on Sunday evening

Hope this finds you all well.  Here are a few pics to share with you.  The first is a block completed for Kathy Tracy's Mystery Quilt

As you know, I started my 60th year story cloth.  Well, its in bits and pieces and a row here and there. So, what I decided to do for now is to show what I have assembled for February 01-05.  Will show older patches later on.

Since this is February and Valentine's Day is approaching, I decided to include many hearts.  The first patch is, of course, a free hand heart, followed by a "time patch."  It is a wooden clock charm/finding with a faux pearl button in the middle.  After all, time is something to be treasured and shared with loved ones.   The fourth patch is a little twig which I found somewhere and thought it remarkable in shape.  It is sewn between two more free hand hearts.

The twig reminds me of a leg and foot when I see it above.  Vicky from recently included a twig in her patchwork.  Sometimes sticks speak!

I have been finding myself picking up little findings here and there which I would have not thought twice about before I started these patches and have been reading more and more textile blogs.  What draws our attention to these findings?  Where we are at, who we are with, the weather, a celebration, an emotion?

There are more findings which will be included in the patches.  One of them, is a tiny rubber wheel which must have fallen off a toy car.  It "spoke" to me.  It said "pick me up."  So, I picked the wee wheel up and saved it for "some day."

What speaks to you?  A twig, a tiny car wheel, a lacy leaf, smooth stones or rocks.  Perhaps a rusty washer, a lone button, a torn piece of cloth?

If only they could talk and tell us where they came from and why they were waiting on our paths just in time for us to walk by and be noticed.

Have a good night.  See you back here on Wednesday.  Blessings.


  1. What a fun post, Sue! First, your House block is adorable, I love your color choices.

    Then I was so interested in the idea of incorporating found objects into a textile. I love found objects, am constantly putting tiny items in my pocket...but what then? Right now as I walk across to my friends' house I keep seeing one tiny pink silk apple blossom in the dull green grass. I look, but don t pick it up. It's like a tiny hopeful-ness of summer to come. I love finding things, buttons and coins, squished bottle caps, washers, stray earrings, dog tags, keys, marbles [I have a big jar of marbles I have found over the years!],the occasional cell phone, as well as my beach finds of shells, and white pebbles, seaglass, feathers, driftwood.

    Something to think about....

    have a great week.

    lizzy [robin]

  2. Yes, there is definitely a footish in that stick. I save random bits too. So many of my wallies [wallhangings. some quilted] have bits added to them. I even added dried bug bodies to a "family adventure" cloth.

    Though, much more fun when you add them 'just because', like you are doing.

  3. Very fun ideas. I love your block. I so love the heart. I hope you have a wonderful week.


  4. Love the quilt block. I have a thing for houses and hearts. Your book is wonderful. Mostly I pick up trash in this country (no litter laws), but often find bits of nature to bring home, too. Have a good week.

  5. Hi Ladies..first, thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts and kudos. I appreciate you!
