Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Good Morning From BRRRRRRRRRRR IL...

 Will finish posting pics from vacation here today.  Texas was quite an adventure.  Wished we had more time to explore further West to see prairie lands.  Next trip!

First, please excuse the quality of the pics!  The first is the Alamo in San Antonio.  No inside photography permitted.  The second is a fish pond (more like a canal) located on the Alamo grounds. These fish were huge!  Note to self:  learn how to take selfies!  DH was trying to scrunch down to give room to the Alamo in the background.  Don't you like the Lone Star Flag protruding from my head?!

Took a boat ride through the San Antonio Riverwalk.  Lovely place.  visitsanantonio.com

If you are familiar with the "Fixer Upper" series on HGTV, you will recognize the Magnolia Silos.  magnoliamarket.com  Fun place.  Would like to spend more time in that area.

We also visited a Texas Military Museum (good choice for a very rainy day) texasmilitaryforcesmuseum.org - I only took one pic (see below):

Can you guess why I took this pic?  The moment I saw it, Jude Hill's mending came to mind spiritcloth.typepad.com/spirit_cloth/2009/12/mending.

A true highlight of this road trip was meeting a Kindred Spirit http://imgoingtotexas.blogspot.com/2016_12_02_archive.html.  Since we did not know exactly where we would be on any given day, an e-mail was sent to Liz the night before we met.  It was meant to be!  So grateful we had the chance to break bread together before we continued on the journey.  What a true pleasure to have actually seen and felt Liz's story cloths.  She also graciously bestowed a heartfelt token which will be treasured: (pics of front and back sides).

From Texas, we started heading home through OK, MO and IL as your's truly developed a sinus infection.  Just grateful the the malady manifested itself on the flip side of the trip.

Later or tomorrow, postings will return to "stitchy things."

Have a blessed day.

1 comment:

  1. It was so great meeting you ... I just wish Texas had shown you some better weather (today was blue skies and 75).

    By the way, I don't think I mentioned that April is prime wildflower season (hint, hint).

    Meanwhile, hope you are fully mended and ready to enjoy the holidays!
